Sunday, 26 July 2009


I love this time of year, when July is nearly over and we are nearer to my beloved Autumn, on the 1st and 2nd of August I shall be heading over to Dawn Bibby studios in oswaltwistle for the craft demo weekend, it's always a hight kight of the year for me.
On saturday the 15th I shall pop in at Portfolio arts and crafts for a jewellery Demo, then the biggy on Sept will be the stitch and craft show at Manchester Central, I shall probably go by myself as I can pick and choose how I go about my day, I might pop into Afflecks for some beads, might pop into primark to see what they have on sale for autumn, wow I can't wait!

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

jack and Lemur at Dalton zoo

jack and Lemur at Dalton zoo