Today I went to the Dawn Bibby studio as there was a mini demo weekend, it was fairly quiet and Dawn wasn't there as she was under the weather. Anyway the reason I went was to watch the very talented and lovely lady Lindsay Mason, we swapped atc's and Lindsay very kindly showed us how to use distress Inks, well guess what, I'm hooked! Sadly I only got 2 colours as stocks were low, but I shall be buying more! I made a couple of cards with them, the 1st one I panicked and it's not quite how it should be, the owl should be further down, but hey ho, it was my 1st attempt. The second although rather greeny is much better and has boosted my confidence to try more. There's a few photos here including the atc's I swapped with Lindsay. I also bought Lindsay's book which she kindly signed for me.